This post will be about two gems of the internet: hubblesite.org and seadragon.com.
Firstly, hubblesite.org. Most people know what the Hubble space telescope is, and everyone who knows what it is probably knows that it takes amazing pictures of the universe. Something you might not have known is where to find them. A google image search will yield results of the actual vehicle, and a few of the more popular images that it has taken, but where do you go to find all of its pictures? Hubblesite.org to the rescue. It is the official website of the Hubble space telescope. It contains information about the telescope, news about the telescope, and truly breathtaking images taken by the telescope. These images can be downloaded in hi res for full enjoyment, and copyright information is included on the website.
Next up: seadragon.com. I found out about seadragon when my teacher showed my class a TED talk about it. It is an in-browser app that can display extremely hi res images quickly and effortlessly, and can zoom in just as if you were using google earth. The site has a few pictures on the website, but also has the option to make your own.
You might think that this is the most random pair of websites ever (you probably don't), but there is a reason I am posting this. I am going to take an extremely hi res photo from the Hubble site, and put it on seadragon, and give out the url. It will be epic (if it works right).
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