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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dialectic Journal of School Daze, from My Ismael by Daniel Quinn

"Don't ask questions."
"Expand on that a bit, Julie."
"If you raise your hand and say, 'Gee, Ms. Smith, I haven't understood a single word you've said all day,' Ms. Smith is going to hate you.

In my experience, although the teachers are usually a bit peeved when students say something along these lines, the teacher will generally explain it to them, because they're main job is not to get the material over with, but to get the kids learned about the material. If it is to long to explain again, the teacher usually tries to make an appointment with the student, usually after class, to explain it in detail so that the student can pass his/her tests and get on to the next grade. This is pointed out as the problem with school systems, but I don't think that that is the only problem. The other problem is that everyone beleives that everyone benefits from massive amoutnts of work at home. That poses a problem for people like me, who understand a topic, and can pass a test on it, but has a problem with doing work at home.

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