
Who's Following

Monday, October 5, 2009

Nonsense and Phonograph, reaction.

The most interesting bit of music I've heard since Revolution 9, this is my reaction to a piece called Nonsense and Phonograph by Matthew Wilcock.

I click the button, a note, then some tapping. Then, abrupt dissonant chords start and stop, and start and stop again, as if there is a monkey using Garage Band. The discordance is, well, discordant, but intriguing. I feel as if there are many different radio stations playing at one time, but only one is getting through per second. Then, the birds start flocking towards the radio, and they chirp and tap, and then there are deep sounds, like a dinosaur is roaring in slomo. Then the ringing starts, like a cheesy sound effect for some Japanese alien movie. After that, the strange bass/guitar goes, and then the tambourine rings, and adds more sound to the already loud piece. After that, a strange yet familiar piano piece plays in one ear, in intervals between the strange guitar. This happy music give way to a great noise reminiscent of a rocket launch gone bad, and it ends with the beating of a tom-tom like drum.

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